Monday, March 10, 2008

of drama queens and artistic guys

For the sake of everyone watching the Apprentice Africa, i hope the humour continues. Its so unintended making it so much better, take for instance Omar's wonderful question “If you could choose any animal-what animal best describes Bank PHB?” I would pay to have been in that room at that moment but i might have fallen off my chair in laughter. Don't get me wrong, i appreciate the guy's artistic ability but lets just say, it was a little misplaced. If you saw the executives he was talking to, its hard to comprehend how he could have come up with such a question, makes you wonder, what was going on in his mind???
The mix in personalities is amazing and now that these personalities are starting to come out, its getting more interesting and i am sure it will get even better. One thing worries me though, the way things are going in 7 weeks, there may not be a Matrix corp. The show's producers seriously need to think of a new way of dividing the contestants. If necessary, let them draw lots! Matrix corp has too many issues at the moment and i honestly don't see things getting any better and now that Mr Shobanjo has dictated that Blessing is to be the next project manager.......i am going to pray for Matrix corp.
Am sorry Blessing but what was that in the boardroom? For a moment there, i thought i was watching a scene from some horrendous Nigerian movie, all the drama! Anyone looking for movie ideas, here's a good one "confessions of a full grown drama queen" starring Blessing Njoku. It was an oscar winnning performance. Blessing would make a brilliant actress, she is excellent at the blame game and "the whole world is against poor little me"
She claims there is a clique in the house and blah blah blah so she could not voice her ideas........ to echo one of my favourite quotes "You only get out of it what you put into it. If you are a sheep in this world, you're not going to get much out of it" Greg Norman.
I am not writing her off, am still waiting to see her do her best, this next week will be a great opportunity. One thing is for sure though, if her team loses again, there'll be someone to blame, except herself of course and if the team wins, we will never hear the end of it, she's going to swell like a peacock!

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